Monday, November 21, 2011

5 tips to keep the weight off this holiday season!

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Hey guys! I'm writing to you in a deep state of sickness, yeah still got that dumb cold! But I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to write a few tips for keeping the weight off this holiday season and especially this Thanksgiving week. These tips are my own, they are not copied from any pish-posh website. Hope you enjoy them and they are useful to you.

5. Drink lots of water!
I know, I know, you've heard it a million times. Here's why it works: Water helps keep you hydrated, which keeps you "regular" which flushes out all the excess waste. It also helps speed up your metabolism and keeps your hair and skin looking great. So chug, chug, chug! I personally carry a water bottle around with me all day which keeps me from grabbing a soda when i'm thirsty.

4. Don't stop going to the gym! (Or start going, if you're not!)
With all the noshing taking place during the holidays you're bound to grab a bite of this or a spoonful of that and the calories/carbs add up. Keep your jeans from bursting at the seams and keep going to the gym at least 3 times a week. I find that going in the mornings helps me "get it out of the way" and I can continue with my daily routine. If you don't lose weight during this time at least you won't gain and THAT is enough incentive for me to keep going!

3. Pick the vegetable sides first.
If your host is offering mashed potatoes, corn, bread, stuffing,  brussels sprouts and broccoli, pick the veggies first. Veggies are full of fiber which will help you feel full faster and they won't cause a spike in your blood sugar which will help with that "food coma" later in the evening. If you absolutely must have some mashed potatoes or stuffing get a small serving after you've eaten the vegetables that way you won't feel deprived but you also won't over eat them.

2. Pick 2 out of 3.
If you must make a choice between dinner rolls, dessert, or wine. Pick two out of the three. It is ok for you to give yourself small indulgences just don't go completely overboard.

1. Bring it with you!
If you know your host/hostess won't be offering any healthy appetizers or sides, bring a veggie tray or a side of fresh steamed green beans, roasted brussel sprouts, stuffed mushrooms or even mashed cauliflower. I guarantee people will love the healthier alternatives and these will be the sides that will go first!

Above all, don't stress too much about the food and try to enjoy the holiday for what it is, a chance to give thanks for all the blessings and family we have in our life. Wishing you a healthy and very happy Thanksgiving,


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